Your granddaughter is a lovely young woman. You know it, but does she? Grandly wants to promote people and websites that speak life and truth to young people today. This month we are featuring The Lovely Commission. This article was written by its director, Mary Rose Jordan.
It’s hard to be a teenage girl today. Transgendered teens like Jazz Jennings or supersexualized ones like Kylie and Kendall Jenner are the role models. Social media “likes” are the measure of self-worth. The number of requests to “sext” are the measure of attractiveness to boys. Young women are enslaved like never before. Good luck, girls.
You may have seen it in your granddaughter’s eyes: rejection at the hands of supposed friends, anxiety over school work, or disappointment with her looks or clothes. Then there are the tears, the angst, the worry…
I am a youth worker. I have a heart for young women. I look at these critical developmental times and I want to help. When I was younger, I had women who carried the torch in front of me, they blazed a trail before me and called me on to follow. They pointed me to God and to godly femininity. I want every young woman to have what I had and more.
The lies are powerful but the truth is more powerful still. Girls just need to hear it. There is an opportunity and a need to impact young women with that truth. I want every young girl to have the opportunity to see a Christ-centered, virtue-seeking, Gospel-inspired role model. I want every young girl to know the freedom that comes with a life lived in Christ. Kylie Jenner can have an audience of tens of thousands at her fingertips and sell them her kit for the perfect puffy, pouty “Kylie Lip”, but we have a better “beauty” product, inner loveliness.
We started The Lovely Commission to proclaim the goodness of God and godly femininity. We want to inspire young women to take on their birthright as daughters of God. In just two years we have gained 20,000 followers on facebook and have entered a partnership with Roma Downey (the star of the television hit, Touched by an Angel.) Our articles cover a wide variety of topics such as authentic beauty, defending your faith, prayer, sisterhood, modesty, and a lot more!
Mary Rose Jordan is originally from Ann Arbor, Michigan and now lives in Glasgow, Scotland. She is expecting her first child in April 2017.
If you want to see your granddaughter connect to the truth about real loveliness, tell them about
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