Launching A Seminar

Was it the regular nodding in agreement all across the room? Or the tears of honesty and trust? Or the animated gestures and joyful faces? These were all signs that the message was hitting home.

Last Saturday, October 27th, in St. Paul, Minnesota, we hosted our third “Do It Grandly” seminar. Grandparents from 13 different churches attended.

The seminar started with a talk from the Director of Grandly, Pili Abouchaar, who spoke about the challenges that young people face and how grandparents are in a position to make a difference. Grandparents are trusted. They will be there long-term. “A youth worker can certainly touch the lives of children, but grandparents who think like youth workers, can have an even greater impact.”  Our vision is to equip grandparents to do youth work, to reach their grandchildren with the Gospel. Grandly is recruiting 10,000 youth workers, all of whom are over the age of 55.

The Seminar continued with two testimonies.  The first was from a young lady named Esa Vance, who shared how her grandparents impacted her faith. They not only were a consistent model for her, they made a strategic investment that made it possible for Esa to participate in a year-long missionary opportunity that strengthened her as a Christian.

The second testimony was from Carmen Johnson, a grandmother of three.  Carmen was a long time youth worker and she shared four key youth work principles that she is now applying as a grandmother. It was “Youth-Ministry 101”, re-purposed to apply to working with grandchildren.

Discussion group times were extremely valuable. There was modest boasting, as well as sharing of sorrows and burdens and a few tears.  Many grandparents felt it was safe to be fully honest with both themselves and other grandparents.

Grandly founder, Mike Shaughnessy, gave the keynote of the conference. “What if the most important thing God has for you to accomplish in your entire life still lies in front of you? What if that is tied to being a grandparent…?” Grandparents are often “God’s secret weapon.” He gave an example of one critical conversation he had with his grandfather when he was young. The full effect of that conversation was not manifested until 50 years later!

One of the main goals of the “Do It Grandly” Seminar is to help grandparents to pray strategically, think strategically, and act strategically for their grandchildren’s welfare.

If you would like us to present a “Do It Grandly” seminar in your city or at your church, please contact Pili Abouchaar at

Pili Abouchaar is the director of Grandly: The Strategic Grandparents Club.

Copyright © 2018 Grandly: The Strategic Grandparents Club.

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