A Christmas Strategy

Beth McNamara is publisher at The Word Among Us Press. She is the publisher of The Strategic Grandparent: Your Most Important (and Fun) Role Yet. 

In May, we released The Strategic Grandparent. This dynamic book has quickly climbed into the top 100 books for Grandparents on Amazon!

We believe The Strategic Grandparent is a powerful tool for grandparents. First, it motivates them to share their faith with their grandchildren. In these uncertain times, laying the bedrock of faith is more important than ever before and grandparents are in a perfect position to share their faith and values. 

This book doesn’t just motivate; it gives great practical advice on how grandparents can become the generators of a powerful faith that young people and children so desperately need. The Strategic Grandparent gives you a plan for connecting with your grandchildren, engaging them, and making a lasting impact on their lives.

Used by Individuals and Small Groups

In addition to being a great tool for individual grandparents, this book can also be used by couples or as a discussion tool within a group of friends. Two or three sets of grandparents can come together for coffee and dessert and read a chapter each week.  They can then discuss it and share the successes and struggles they have had in their efforts with their grandchildren. 

This book is also a wonderful resource for churches that want to provide materials for small group study helping grandparents incorporate faith, hope, and love into their relationships.

Share the Gift of Faith 

This Christmas, as a grandmother, I would like to invite you to give this precious resource to other grandparents who need encouragement or inspiration.

There are many others who would benefit from this book as well! Think of pastors, youth ministers, neighbors, siblings, and even adult children who are looking for tools that will have a lasting impact on the children and young people in their lives. Our hope is that this book will mobilize a great wave of not only grandparents but parishes, friends, and family members to reach the next generation for Christ.

Grandparents have an important role to play in God’s plan for their grandchildren— The Strategic Grandparent is a powerful tool to show us how best to fulfill that role.

Beth McNamara is the grandmother of six, living in Mahtomedi, MN.

The Strategic Grandparent: Your Most Important (and Fun) Role Yet, published by The Word Among Us Press, is available at bookstore.wau.org and amazon.com.

Copyright © 2020 Grandly – The Strategic Grandparents Club.

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