Introducing Diana Hou, the newest member of our Grandly team. Diana is now the Executive Assistant to Pili Abouchaar, the Director of Grandly. Here is her story.
I was born in Taiwan, and immigrated to America with my family when I was twelve years old. I accepted Christ during my senior year in college, and have been living the Christian way of life ever since. During my post-college “season”, as a professional working woman, I felt God’s leading to serve as the mission coordinator for MSU’s Chinese Christian Fellowship. This position involved leading mission teams and helping with various mission trips to Chicago, Brazil and Argentina.
During the next “season” of my life, when I married and began raising children, God gave me the clear call to homeschool my two daughters. My mission was to disciple them to know God and to make him known. As a family, we attended many mission conferences as well as taking a mission trip to Mexico.
After our daughters left for college, we entered another new “season” of life: empty nesters! At first, I wasn’t sure what my mission would be during this season. I simply asked God to use my bilingual skills and my computer abilities to further his kingdom. I then left it in his hands to lead me where he could use me.
Soon afterward, the leadership team of the Bible Study Fellowship in our hometown of Lansing, Michigan asked if I would be willing to lead a Bible study group in Chinese. I happily agreed. Now they provide me with biblical lessons in English and I lead those lessons in Chinese. I find it very rewarding to help women study God’s Word in their native language.
This past October, I found out that Grandly was searching for a new team member with some computer skills. I must admit I didn’t know what Grandly was about. Once I learned more about Grandly’s mission – grandparents reaching their grandchildren for Christ! – I became enthusiastic about their mission and applied for the position immediately…and got it!
As I look back, I am grateful that God has always had a mission for me in each “season” of my life. Indeed, in his infinite and eternal wisdom, God has had good works prepared for me in advance for every “season”!

I believe God inspired my prayers and then he answered them because God has a mission for every “season” of my life.
I am excited to be helping a great team of grandparents on mission during a great “season” of life: grandparenting!
Diana Hou is the mother of two college aged girls and lives in Okemos, Michigan