Sometimes God answers prayers quickly!
There are times in our lives when we don’t know what to do other than to pray…and that is okay.
We live in Belgium and our seven-year-old grandson, Sebastian, lives in Pennsylvania. For two years we were only able to visit with him via WhatsApp as we couldn’t travel to the United States due to the Covid pandemic.
Finally, restrictions were lifted and we flew to the US to spend a month visiting Sebastian and his family. On one particular morning, my husband, Tony, and I shared a thought that had been on each of our minds. We both desired to see Sebastian open up his heart to Jesus. However, we didn’t want to push him. We prayed: “Holy Spirit, you’ll have to make this happen because we don’t know how.”
Let me tell you that sometimes God answers prayers quickly!
That very same day, Tony and I drove to “The Ark and the Dove” Retreat House where the Catholic Charismatic Renewal began more than 50 years ago. For us, it was like a pilgrimage, and we took our grandson with us.
We hoped it would be open but unfortunately it wasn’t. By God’s good providence we met a kind nun walking in the garden. Sister Anna Chiara took us to the house on a ‘tour de maison’ and then to the chapel upstairs.
It was in the chapel that the wonder happened.
While we sat praying in silence, Sebastian suddenly got up and walked towards the door. With disappointment, we assumed he was ready to leave. Instead, he made his way to where Sister Anna Chiara was sitting and he pointed to the little cross she wore around her neck. Then he pointed to the cross on the altar and said, “That’s the same. Why are you wearing that around your neck?”
Wow! Sebastian himself opened the very door we were afraid to “push” open.
Sister Anna Chiara talked to him about Jesus and his love for us. Then she asked Sebastian if she could say a little prayer for him. “Yes, please” was his answer and he closed his eyes and opened his hands.
We were truly amazed! The Holy Spirit had worked in so many ways. He gave us the sense that we shouldn’t push, the humility to realize that we didn’t know what to do, and the desire to pray. He prepared a closed door to “The Ark and the Dove” and then sent the perfect person to open it. Finally, he moved our grandson to act and gave Sister Anna Chiara the grace to speak the gospel and to pray with Sebastian.
We were helpless grandparents who didn’t know what to do other than pray. So pray unceasingly and you may witness a wonder like we did.
Myriam Laureys lives with her husband Tony in Belgium