Can You Help?
Can you help us refine the next offering from Grandly Missions? – Ongoing Grandly Meetings.
We need people willing to “beta-test” our “Grandly Meetings” format and its materials. Participation could be online or in person (if you have a local group who wish to participate together.) Either option will help keep you connected to the Grandly grandparent’s community.
Best Group Ever
I have been in many discussion groups over the years. I would have a hard time identifying the best one ever, the Greatest-Of-All-Time, my GOAT discussion group.
What makes for a great discussion group? First, there has to be a common shared interest. We already have that among our Grandly grandparents! They all have a great love for their grandchildren and want to help them become faith-filled life-long Christians.
To be an effective ongoing group, this shared interest must endure as time passes. This is so true for Grandly grandparents. Grandchildren go through different stages growing up and the role of the grandparents changes as they age.
Finally, groups have more success if they have good meeting materials and prompts for starting discussions. These are the main items we need to “beta-test.” Your participation and your feedback will help us immensely. We want Grandly Meetings to inspire grandparents to become the best grandparents ever.
The Grandly Meeting
A Grandly Meeting is made up of a stable group of grandparents who are committed to coming together once or twice a month, in person or online, for fellowship, prayer, conversation, and discussion. Some Grandly Meetings may include listening to a short talk on a specific topic. When testing and feedback are completed, we plan to create a Grandly Meetings “workbook” and make it available online.

The following is a sample of some potential Grandly Group meeting themes that you will help “beta-test”:
- Becoming the Best Ally the Parents of Your Grandchildren Have
- How to Help Form a Strong Identity in Your Grandchildren
- Youthwork: Improving Conversation Skills
- Taking the Long View on What You Are Doing
- Youthwork: The Art of Storytelling
- David’s Advice on Fretting
- Youthwork: Honing Your Listening Skills
We need you! If you can help, please register here
For any questions, please email
Pili Abouchaar is the Director of Grandly
Copyright © Grandly Missions, 2024