This post does not contain our typical article on how to pass on your faith to your grandchildren.
Today, I will be sharing with you a significant health issue that has occurred for Mike Shaughnessy, the founder and current leader of Grandly Missions.
Health details
In November of 2023, Mike had his regular check-up with his GP who noted that he had a mild heart murmur. He was sent for an assessment with a cardiologist. An ultrasound confirmed that the murmur was mild and worth watching. In May of 2024, Mike had a six-month follow-up and reported headaches, fatigue and dizziness. The cardiologist said the murmur sounded worse and ordered an echocardiogram. The results showed that the murmur was now moderately severe. That led to a stress test and a CT scan. The evaluation after those procedures showed that he had severe “regurgitation” of the mitral valve and would need surgery. A transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) exam, a coronary angiogram, and four other tests followed and have led to a surgery date of September 9th from 9am-1pm. This will be open heart surgery. There is a very high success rate for this type of surgery although the full recovery time is still four to six months.
Mike will be hospitalized for about five days and is not likely to return to work at Grandly for a minimum of one month. While his absence will cause some disruptions for us in the Grandly office, we plan to continue with our day-to-day workflow.
Mike is in good spirits and trusting the Lord…please pray…
Prayer Requests
For Mike’s surgery; that all would go exceedingly well.
- For his initial recovery; especially the pain levels.
- For his long term post-surgery prognosis to be very positive.
- For Grandly; not to just “maintain” in his absence, but to continue growing our work.
- For the success of our fund-raising efforts; obtaining increased donations from current donors and securing new individual donors and charitable foundations who value our work with grandparents.
David’s prayer is our own this month.
“O God, from my youth you have taught me, and I still proclaim your wondrous deeds. So even to old age and gray hairs, O God, do not forsake me, until I proclaim your might to another generation, your power to all those to come.”
Psalm 71:17-18
Pili Abouchaar is the Director of Grandly
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