Krinkle Kut

My husband, Mark, and I read the recent Grandly post about the need for stories and testimonies from “strategic” grandparents. We were among the early participants in a Do It Grandly seminar. This seminar significantly affected the way we grandparent by establishing in us a sense of being called by God to this role rather than just happening to be in it. Missionaries need to always think, pray, and act with goals in mind. This has helped us clarify our priorities and our focus in our grandparenting commission.

My mom was a great example for me all of my life. Shortly after she passed away last May, I wanted to begin some new traditions to pass on the faith to our grandchildren. My husband and I summoned up what little creativity we had and began to brainstorm – about French Fries. All kids love French Fries – that was the easy part. However, as delicious as they are, they don’t exactly lead directly to grandchildren becoming lifelong disciples of Christ. We needed some other ingredients.

So, we added a spiritual component and mixed in some entertaining activities and now, every month, we gather our four grandchildren for an afternoon of Faith, Fun & French Fries! As a bonus, our afternoon gatherings give their parents an opportunity to enjoy a well-deserved break.

Photos provided by the Kanitz family

Our time starts with a prayer and then continues with a scavenger hunt with little gifts hidden in the trees outside. Next, we read a bible story about Jesus or, in bad weather, we watch a movie. (“Charlie Brown’s Thanksgiving” is good any time of year as are many other children’s movies.) I lead the grandchildren in making a simple craft to go with the story we just covered while my husband cuts potatoes into crinkle fries and cooks them in our outside fryer.

We finish it all off by enjoying Opa’s delicious French Fries. These memory-makers and identity-builders are glue for the Christian life. Jesus is experienced as being in every part of their life—even in the gobbling of tasty French Fries! (If you pause and breathe, you might just smell them now!)

Mark & Julie Kanitz live in Milan, Michigan and currently have 7 grandchildren.


The Grandly staff thought it might be a good idea to make a list of movies, videos, or cartoons that could be used by grandparents for whatever “krinkle kut” activity you cook up. This link will take you to a work in progress: a list of such films. You can add to it or download it for your own use. Join the “Grandly Missionary Team” partnering with others in a great faith adventure.

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